Person of Interest S3E14
Notes for season 3 episode 14, “Provenance“ 06:50 We see the Nowell Codex, famous for containing the unique copy of Beowulf. Except this is presented as though it was an actual book, and not mounted pages. If you scroll through the British Library’s digital copy, you’ll see that the presented pages don’t match any in…
Person of Interest S3E13
Notes for season 3 episode 13, “4C“ 01:03 One of the in-universe airlines is called “Gossamer Airlines” and I feel having a synonym for flimsy being painted on the side of a passenger jet would be pretty bold. 03:20 The news reports suggest this episode is going to be partly inspired by the October 2013…
Person of Interest S3E12
Notes for season 3 episode 12, “Alethia“ 04:58 In the 1979 flashback, we can see that the prop used for Finch’s computer is a Commodore PET. (Although, while the PET is era-appropriate, I think the model used might be slightly anachronistic, from 1980 or later.) 19:20 The safe deposit box contains two LTO cartridges. Assuming…
Person of Interest S3E11
Notes for season 3 episode 11, “Lethe“ 04:01 I don’t know if “False Gods: Pseudepigrapha in the Modern Age”, but pseudepigrapha relates to the misattribution of works – which the show is full of (for example the false attribution of the source of the Machine’s intel). 05:54 If I were to guess, I’d say that…
Person of Interest S3E10
Notes for season 3 episode 10, “The Devil’s Share“ 01:00 Not titles on this episode, just the slow-mo “Hurt” montage. 04:16 All of the flashbacks are to the characters in therapy, doctor/patient or other sensitive conversations… which appear to have been recorded by cctv and uploaded to the Machine for analysis. 18:55 I keep forgetting…
Person of Interest S3E09
Notes for season 3 episode 9, “The Crossing“ 01:30 Simmons walks back into the judge’s house carrying a print-out of the image of Reese he saw on the police car’s dashboard computer (at the end of the previous episode). Wait, do cop cars have colour printers on-board? 06:00 “It appears that every criminal in New…
Person of Interest S3E08
Notes for season 3 episode 8, “Endgame“ 16:06 The Machine tracks the office supply truck containing printer cartridges and cocaine as being worth 12.8 million, but doesn’t really break that down. Printer ink can be pricey! 16:56 “Honestly Mr Reese, this looks like something you would do.” Carter’s hijack of the truck is basically a…
Person of Interest S3E07
Notes for season 3 episode 7, “The Perfect Mark“ 03:04 We have the infosec nightmare of a hypnotherapist is delving for answers to people’s bank password-reset security questions. Mother’s full name, favourite colour, and so on. 05:57 I can’t identify the ice tea brand that Natalie is unpacking, but it comes in the stout Snapple-style…
Person of Interest S3E06
Notes for season 3 episode 6, “More Praematura“ 01:09 A mysterious US-specific organisation is using SVoIP for a conference, and the Tor network for voting on resolutions. The Machine can hear the decoded SVoIP and precisely geo-locate all of the voters using Tor… which is a bit “you had one job” for both? So I…
Person of Interest S3E05
Notes for season 3, episode 5, “Razgovor“ (The title is a reference to the movie “The Conversation”.) 02:12 Apparently HR has a map of camera dead-zones in New York for planning meetings. I believe the map comes up in a later season. 07:13 A reminder that a decade ago, Putin was being Putin. 09:30 In…