
  • Fringe S1E01

    Following my Person of Interest rewatch, over the course of 2023, I’ve decided to rewatch the sci-fi series Fringe (2008-2013) over the course of 2025 (two episodes a week). While Person of Interest deals with questions of surveillance and AI, Fringe is sort of a mad science Doomwatch meets X-Files. I’ve bought the boxset on…

  • Person of Interest S5E13

    Notes for season 5, episode 13, “return 0“ 08:26 Even with HR removed, it’s apparently not hard to find a bunch of cops at the precinct that would execute fellow officers for “a nice fat bonus”. 11:27 The music playing as Finch waits on the room is “Bunsen Burner” which previously appeared on the soundtrack…

  • Person of Interest S5E12

    Notes for season 5 episode 12, “.exe“ 10:15 Even in the alternate Machine-less timeline, Carter has a Dell 2009W on her desk. 18:52 The HAL-looking prop for the iris/retina scanner at the NSA is an actual biometric access device, an LG IrisAccess 3000. 19:30 As Finch enters the server room, there is actually some suggestion…

  • Person of Interest S5E11

    Notes for season 5 episode 11, “Synecdoche“ 01:05 Root’s grave is marked as “050313”. A note on reddit suggests this it the date in mm/dd/yy that Root was nominated as the Machine’s analog interface. (Although this is the air date, and I think the episode was supposed to be set in April?) 09:30 The TV…

  • Person of Interest S5E10

    Notes for season 5 episode 10, “The Day the World Went Away“ 06:18 Sunita Mani briefly appears Sonum, I mostly know her as the hacker Trenton in Mr Robot. 07:12 Useful for the assassins to carry business cards with the company name “Temporary Resolutions” as quite the misdirection. Name aside, there’s something inherently suspicious about…

  • Person of Interest S5E09

    Notes for season 5 episode 9, “Sotto Voce“ 00:51 The absolutely weird colour grading tells us this is a US show portraying Mexico. 06:05 Reese places an Anthora on the table. 07:50 Another reference to “self-deleting text” messages, which appear to be a standard facility in this reality, rather than a feature of specific apps?…

  • Person of Interest S5E08

    Notes for season 5 episode 8, “Reassortment“ 13:30 A lockdown caused by a traveller from Hong Kong infected with a new influenza-like virus? In 2015 (the episode is set in Oct 2015, but aired in May 2016). 19:53 “Be sure to wash your hands often.” Are they doing a pandemic speed-run? How long before they’re…

  • Person of Interest S5E07

    Notes for season 5 episode 7, “QSO“ 04:38 Root used to be in cyber, but now she has retrained as a ballerina? I’ve never been backstage at a ballet, but do they usually have surveillance cameras in the changing rooms? Also, Root’s alias (Petrina Durov) is probably another gender-swapped tech reference – this time to…

  • Person of Interest S5E06

    Notes for season 5 episode 6, “A More Perfect Union” 05:04 “Uncle Ralph’s” Irish passport gives his nationality as “Éireralpho” instead of Éireannach. The show then dips into national stereotypes to imply the real Ralph will be too drunk to attend a wedding. (It’s not that the Irish aren’t heavy drinkers, it’s that it’s statistically…

  • Person of Interest S5E05

    Notes for season 5 episode 5, “ShotSeeker“ 01:46 ShotSeeker, the city-wide network of microphones listening for gunshots (Acoustic Gunshot Detection) was previously mentioned in S4E10 by the name of a real-world provider “ShotSpotter”. 05:36 Finch refers to the room containing the laptop running a copy of Samaritan as being in a “Faraday Cage”. As I…