Category: Notes

  • Person of Interest S3E11

    Notes for season 3 episode 11, “Lethe“ 04:01 I don’t know if “False Gods: Pseudepigrapha in the Modern Age”, but pseudepigrapha relates to the misattribution of works – which the show is full of (for example the false attribution of the source of the Machine’s intel). 05:54 If I were to guess, I’d say that…

  • Person of Interest S3E10

    Notes for season 3 episode 10, “The Devil’s Share“ 01:00 Not titles on this episode, just the slow-mo “Hurt” montage.  04:16 All of the flashbacks are to the characters in therapy, doctor/patient or other sensitive conversations… which appear to have been recorded by cctv and uploaded to the Machine for analysis. 18:55 I keep forgetting…

  • Person of Interest S3E09

    Notes for season 3 episode 9, “The Crossing“ 01:30 Simmons walks back into the judge’s house carrying a print-out of the image of Reese he saw on the police car’s dashboard computer (at the end of the previous episode). Wait, do cop cars have colour printers on-board? 06:00 “It appears that every criminal in New…

  • Person of Interest S3E08

    Notes for season 3 episode 8, “Endgame“ 16:06 The Machine tracks the office supply truck containing printer cartridges and cocaine as being worth 12.8 million, but doesn’t really break that down. Printer ink can be pricey! 16:56 “Honestly Mr Reese, this looks like something you would do.” Carter’s hijack of the truck is basically a…

  • Person of Interest S3E07

    Notes for season 3 episode 7, “The Perfect Mark“ 03:04 We have the infosec nightmare of a hypnotherapist is delving for answers to people’s bank password-reset security questions. Mother’s full name, favourite colour, and so on. 05:57 I can’t identify the ice tea brand that Natalie is unpacking, but it comes in the stout Snapple-style…

  • Person of Interest S3E06

    Notes for season 3 episode 6, “More Praematura“ 01:09 A mysterious US-specific organisation is using SVoIP for a conference, and the Tor network for voting on resolutions. The Machine can hear the decoded SVoIP and precisely geo-locate all of the voters using Tor… which is a bit “you had one job” for both? So I…

  • Person of Interest S3E05

    Notes for season 3, episode 5, “Razgovor“ (The title is a reference to the movie “The Conversation”.) 02:12 Apparently HR has a map of camera dead-zones in New York for planning meetings. I believe the map comes up in a later season. 07:13 A reminder that a decade ago, Putin was being Putin. 09:30 In…

  • Person of Interest S3E04

    Notes for season 3 episode 4, “Reasonable Doubt“ 01:00 Apparently the vet scene was originally written with Reese and Shaw posing as a dog-owning couple, but it’s always far funnier to have Reese and Finch as co dog-owners. 08:20  Another reference to the NYPD/Microsoft “Domain Awareness” surveillance network. 08:57 The episode’s first appearance of the…

  • Person of Interest S3E03

    Notes for season 3 episode 3, “Lady Killer“ 01:29 The name of the fake credit reporting agency Finch gets the report from is “Equian” 03:29 “smartphone applications like Tinder and Angler”. Tinder was launched in September 2012, this episode would have been written mid-2013, so it had become TV shorthand for dating apps in under…

  • Person of Interest S3E02

    Notes for season 3 episode 2, “Nothing to Hide“ 04:00 Lifetrace appears to be a people-centric search engine. (Add to the Warners domain pool.) Finch treats data brokers with distain, which seems a little off. Comparisons to the operation of the Machine aside, every week Finch builds up full dossiers of not only the…