Category: Notes
Person of Interest S1E09
Notes for season 1 episode 9 “Get Carter” 06:23 “They don’t sell that [specific Mexican soda] everywhere” for a minute you wonder if cracking the case is going to require Fusco’s surprising knowledge of imported soda distribution, with some possible asides about “cane sugar”. But no, they’re literally standing outside of the bodega that sells…
Person of Interest S1E08
Notes for season 1 episode 8, “Foe” 01:22 Jim Robinson! Alan Dale has been a prolific guest-star in movies and tv for years, but for many people he’ll always be their Aussie soap opera dad. 05:00 The 1970s cold case in previous episodes, and now cold war spying, give the show a legitimate reason to…
Person of Interest S1E07
Notes for season 1 episode 7 “Witness” 01:00 The episode opens with black and white cctv footage, complete with analog interference artefacts, and video “rolls” – which have culturally shifted from genuine artefacts to cringy digital video effects incorporated into YouTube essays. Surprisingly we also see the targeting reticules, indicating that this is video is…
Person of Interest S1E06
Notes for season 1 episode 6 “The Fix” 16:53 “Interference suggests it was made on an old PCS cell network making the recording at least two years old.” It would actually have been more than three years old – this is referencing the shutdown of the 1G analog AMPS cell-phone network in the US between February and…
Person of Interest S1E05
Notes for season 1 episode 5 “Judgement” 02:00 Finch is reading “It Can’t Happen Here” in 2011, several years before everyone started calling it prescient. 05:25 another iPhone interface on a not-very-iPhone bad guy phone – are they not allowed to use iPhones? 01:37 Finch “When you work for the government, access is not a problem.” 14:04…
Person of Interest S1E04
Notes for season 1 episode 4 “Cure Te Ipsum” 01:30 The episode’s first “obsoleted thing” makes an appearance, the pager. (Broadcast pagers, rather than the local pagers you see in food courts, etc.) It’s plausible that hospital staff were using pagers in 2011 but they’re slowly on the way out. Up to 2019 it was estimated that…
Person of Interest S1E03
Notes for season 1 episode 3 “Mission Creep” 01:20 The show makes an early reference to something familiar, yet obsoleted by new communications technology, as Reese jokes about checking newspaper classifieds for a job. 04:20 Reese has replaced the unfashionable Jawbone-style headset from the first two episodes with more discreet earbud. 12:30 Carter again looks at a…
Person of Interest S1E02
Notes for season 1 episode 2 “Ghosts” 02:30 A hitman takes instruction via a public payphone. Person of Interest loves New York payphones, reflecting both older technology and shared public infrastructure (like abandoned libraries, subways). In reality New York had started pulling out payphones in 2015 before the series had finished. The final one was removed in…
Person of Interest S1E01
Notes for season 1 episode 1 “Pilot” 00:20 After a clean-shaven flashback, we meet Reece looking rough, sporting a hobo look that would probably cost about £600 to reproduce at All Saints. 00:30 It’s apt that we start with public transport. After I’d seen a couple of episodes, I started describing it to people as…
The Man in the Suit
It is the Second World War. A British mathematician, Alan Turing, has designed a machine capable of decoding encrypted German radio transmissions. This creates a moral quandary. The intelligence from the decoded messages could be used to prevent future German attacks from succeeding, but to do so would risk exposing the machine, and jeopardise its…