Fringe S1E20

Notes for season 1, episode 20, “There’s More Than One of Everything

01:00 Not only do CCTV cameras have microphones such that voices can be distinguished, the authorities in 2009 also have an extensive searchable voice-sample database. In 2009 they did not, but oddly enough around the time this episode aired, the FBI and NIST began developing a standard for voice biometric transfer.

07:38 Serious men carrying Pelican cases.

11:20 Jones is pulling off the “1984 Radio Times cover promoting Threads” look.

16:49 An incident occurred on a busy New York street and there were no cameras that caught it?

44:50 Newspaper headline indicates that the JFK assassination didn’t happen, but somehow the political tides still resulted in Obama winning in 2008. Do we assume he did two terms, and the Democrats still lost in 1969? 

46:20 As the Twin Towers reveal confirms what has been hinted at – the enemy of, and existential threat to, America is… a slightly different version of America. 



