Notes for Fringe season 1, episode 13, “The Transformation“
09:07 Bowman’s passport was issued 1998-07-23 (and, oddly, expires the same day). Given this episode probably takes place in 2009, it would be more than 10 years old. So probably not good for an international flight (they don’t say, but Vertusair 718 is implied to have come from France).
15:14 Peter’s phone is a Samsung i617 BlackJack II (2007)
31:11 Astrid uses a Med-E-Jet (1980) inoculation gun to inject the dextroamphetamine into Olivia.
34:16 This show can’t help but perpetuate the American model of IQ as hierarchy, suggesting preternatural abilities spanning all fields.
34:40 Will the money for the bio-weapon be delivered in a Zero Halliburton aluminium case? Of course.
36:10 Charlie has a Motorola XTS2500 radio
38:27 The device that the buyer’s security people wave over Olivia is presumed to be a metal detector, but the prop is actually an Edirol R-09HR audio recorder. Of course, if it was supposed to be an RF detector they might not have been tricked by a metal earring.
39:43 Appreciating the spy-fi aesthetics of a custom-cut Pelican case, carrying what is clearly a couple of magic potion bottles from the Harry Potter universe.