Notes for Fringe season 1, episode 11, “Bound“
04:50 The microscope we see in the (we assume) ZFT hideout is a Nikon Diaphot 300 Inverted Phase Contrast Microscope
04:20 Michael Gaston, who plays Sanford Harris, has a long career playing generals and politicians – but for me he’ll always be the Secret Service agent that says “It’s not cool, it’s commie bullshit” in Hackers.
08:00 So, Harris is an arsehole that Olivia had worked to previously convict. But not only was his conviction overturned, he’s also been appointed (as a consultant) to oversee the division she’s working in. And by oversee, this means actively disrupt investigations basis of cost-cutting, and to question people’s loyalty (the whole time working towards a secret agenda). Fiction!
09:50 Harris goes on to précis the points from the season so far, so either this episode was filler, or they expected it to be a jumping on point?
17:19 The thermal camera Peter is using to track the monster slug is an Argus4.
22:28 The slug’s victim had been recently asked to be part of a classified CDC task force to respond to epidemics. Why would a public health task force be classified? I guess we’re not allowed to know.
28:43 Walter identifies the slug as viral, “nasopharyngitis”. But the common cold decribes the disease, not the type of virus, which can be one of many types – eg rhinoviruses, coronaviruses. So it’s possible ZFT was killing epidemiologists with monsterous coronavirues?