Notes for Fringe season 1, episode 10, “Safe“
06:42 I love that the show is at the point where Walter can say something inappropriate and cut to Olivia and Peter with almost no reaction.
08:30 James Frain would go on to play Sarek in Star Trek Discovery
11:43 Jones’s lawyer gives his suit size as “40 long”. Even though he has a German name, and is in Germany, I think we presume he’s english and giving a UK/US size. The EU has a slightly different size scale.
19:16 Walter uses Geiger-Muller counter with a pancake probe. I think a Wm B Johnson GSM-500.
25:32 Come on. Genius MIT dropout Peter would have known the Fibonacci sequence
31:52 I looks like the daring heist was to retrieve a piece of surveying equipment? A Wild Theodolite, that they could have found on eBay?
35:43 A previous episode established Frankfurt’s science prison as being high security, but Jones’s lawyer delivers items including a big toll of cash and two prescription bottles containing pharmaceuticals. I don’t know about German prisons, but I imagine that’s the sort of thing prisoners aren’t supposed to be given?
37:20 Eastwick gives his service number as “29869617” (8 digits). He would have served after 1975, so his service number would be a nine-digit SSN. (10-digit military person identifiers have been issued since 2011, but for digital use.)
42:03 Walter says that Peter was diagnosed with Hepea bird flu (presumably a fictional strain, not an odd vocalisation of HPAI). Apparently Alfred Gross had kept such bad notes, that it was easier to invent a time machine than to reproduce a cure.
43:52 I’ve not been noting the Pelican cases every time, but this is a gratuitous Pelican shot.
44:42 Theodolites have been modified with thermographic cameras