Person of Interest S3E09

Notes for season 3 episode 9, “The Crossing

01:30 Simmons walks back into the judge’s house carrying a print-out of the image of Reese he saw on the police car’s dashboard computer (at the end of the previous episode). Wait, do cop cars have colour printers on-board?

06:00 “It appears that every criminal in New York is trying to kill you.” I’m surprised it’s not mentioned on the wiki, but this part of the plot is a clear allusion to the 1979 movie The Warriors. Once you’ve seen that movie you’ll see it being referenced quite frequently – most blatantly in John Wick Chapter 4.

21:00 I’m just going to accept that Reese found a sedative in the morgue, without wondering too hard about why a morgue would need to stock a sedative.

17:00 While torturing Fusco in the fortune cookie factory, no one makes a joke about rejecting cookies.

24:20 The comparing of scars is tragically the closest to flirting Reese and Carter will ever get.

27:00 The plot shifts from The Warriors, to something more like the 2005 remake of “Assault on Precinct 13”.

32:30 Shaw tells Fusco that she had to choose between saving him, and saving his kid. The context I was missing when I first saw this episode was that, when it was advertised in the US, they heavily implied that Fusco was going to die.

34:20 The lighting in this episode. The faces.

40:26 54 episodes in and we finally see a yellow reticule around Carter. The golden nimbus of machine gnosis.


